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Message From the CEO

We are honored to be your telecommunications company and thank you for allowing us to expand our services. The wait is over, the expansion of our services has begun and Big Bend Broadband Internet Service is now available.

Big Bend Broadband is your connection to the world wide web. With numerous levels of service available, we can customize Big Bend Broadband to meet your needs. We provide you with a 24-hour, 7 days-a-week help desk to guide you through any obstacle you might have with our Internet service.

Big Bend Broadband is packaged with several services, including:

  • Installation
  • Modem
  • Spam Filtering
  • Inbound/Outbound Virus Scanning
  • Security Suite
  • Email Account

    As I think back on the visions and hopes of my grandfather, Neville Haynes, and of my father, Jeff Haynes, I'm certain that they provided the most advanced technology they could to the customers, also known as friends. Today, Big Bend Telephone continues to do the same.

    We have a vision for your future.

    With warm regards,
    Justin Haynes