Directory Information
Looking for more business? Advertise in the telephone company’s Yellow Pages. Call your local service office for information.
Additional local directories may be obtained at your service office.
Directory Listings
Your name will automatically be added to our white pages when you have a phone installed unless you ask for an Unlisted Number.
You can add other phone numbers if you wish:
- Additional Residence Listings are for other people in your household.
- Additional Business Listings can put your name as well as your business’ name in the White Pages.
- Alternate Call Listings give another phone number for after-hours calls or if there is no one to answer at the first phone number.
- Every effort is made to make the directory as accurate as possible. If an error occurs, please advise the service office so the listing can be corrected in future directories.
Number Changes
The telephone company reserves the right to, and may, at its discretion, change the customer’s telephone number.
Handling Unwanted Calls
If you do not want to talk to a person selling a product or service by telephone, just say “no thank you,” and hang up.
If you’re bothered by harassing or anonymous phone calls, try these techniques to discourage them:
- Always hang up immediately at the first obscene word or if the person on the other end of the line doesn’t respond after you’ve said “hello” twice.
- Don’t talk to the caller. This is what he or she wants you to do.
- Don’t give out any information or let the caller know if you’re alone. Teach your children to say “Mom or Dad can’t come to the phone. May I take a message?”
If the problem occurs continuously over an extended period, you should report it to your local law enforcement agency. Keep a record of the days and times of the calls, and note the caller’s sex, voice, accent and comments. This information could assist the police. It is a crime to make harassing, obscene or anonymous phone calls under both federal and state laws.
Fradulent Collect Calls
A collect call is a telephone call for which you will pay all charges for that telephone call. Customers should be aware that when they receive a collect call, they will be asked to accept or reject this type of call. Unless you are willing to pay those charges, do not accept the phone call.
Big Bend Telephone Company encourages customers to be certain of the caller’s identification prior to accepting collect calls. If the caller’s identification is not recognized, the customer should reject the call.
Before a collect call is connected you have the right to either accept or decline the charges. You should request the rate and charges of the collect call prior to accepting the charges. Once the collect call has been accepted, you will be billed for all charges connected to that phone call.
If you are billed for a collect call that exceeds a $35 charge for a call less than five minutes in duration, you should contact Big Bend Telephone Company at:
Big Bend Telephone Company
808 N 5th St.
Alpine, TX 79830
Telephone: 1-800-592-4781
or the Public Utility Commission of Texas at:
PUC Customer Protection
P.O. Box 13326
Austin, TX 78711-3326
Telephone: 1-888-782-8477
or in Austin 512-936-7120
(TTY 1-800-735-2988)
Fax: 1-512-936-7003 or
If you believe you have been billed for unauthorized collect call charges, the particular call or calls in question may be deducted from the bill upon notification to Big Bend Telephone Company, until the charges have been verified or adjusted. The balance of the bill is due and payable by the due date.
The Public Utility Commission of Texas has directed telecommunications providers to provide this notice to customers regarding your rights when accepting collect calls as there have been instances where collect calls have been placed for fradulent reason. The company is required to monitor customer cases based on fradulent collect calls. Therefore, if you believe to have been victimized by such practices you are encouraged to report it. |